Thursday, November 20, 2014

8 Relay Control Circuit

8 Relay Control CircuitR1-8=4.7 Kohms T1-8= BD139 (R1-8=15 Kohms if T1-8=BD679) RL1-8=6V-24V dc Relay D1-8=1N4148 &nbs...

Crystal Radio Audio Amplifier Circuit

Crystal Radio Audio Amplifier Circuit Here is a simple audio amplifier application a TL431 blow regulator. The amplifier will accommodate room-filling aggregate from an accustomed clear radio outfitted with a long-wire antenna and acceptable ground. The chip is agnate in complication to a simple one-transistor radio but the achievement is far superior. The TL431 is accessible...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Toggle Switch with IR

Toggle switch in this article is a series of toggle switches that are controlled by infrared light. The series toggle switch is made from a combination of data flip-flop CD4013 2 units. Receiver circuit of the infrared light signals arranged with infrared receiver as found on television remote receiver. Infrared signal from remote is used as clock signals and data to the data...

Variable Speed ​​DC Motor Controller 12V

For more details can be seen from a series of Variable Speed ​​DC Motor Controller 12V follows.Series Variable Speed ​​DC Motor Controller 12V This is one series that can be used to regulate speed DC12V motor with PWM technique. Series Variable Speed ​​DC Motor Controller 12V uses a 555 timer IC as a PWM pulse generator to regulate the motor speed DC12 Volt. DC motor speed...

Stereo Power Amplifier STA550

Stereo Power Amplifier 2x70Watt STA550 is chip audio power with BASH concept that can be connected with digital devices. 2x70Watt STA550 Stereo Power Amplifier is an amplifier with BTL system with symmetrical power supply with ground. Power amplifier STA550 uses power output transistor which is on the chip and is set to produce a high efficiency audio power. Power output on...

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

10Mhz to 1 MHz Frequency Converter

10Mhz to 1 MHz Frequency Converter CircuitPart ListIC1 7404 = 1IC2 7490A = 1R 1 K = 2R 3.3 K = 1C Trim Polymer 39 pF = 1C Electrophoresis 4.7 uF 16V = 1C Milar 47 nF 16 V = 1C Milar 10 nF 16 V = 1C Ceramic 68 pF 50 V = 1&nbs...

Seven Segment 4 Digit

Seven segment 4 Digit display Multiplex in electronic device applications is drain port  a micro controller or data point that will be on display, especially if the data to be displayed more than 1 digit. necessary path to control the resources of each 7 segment and the path to input data on the 7 segment. Circuit 7 Segment 4 Digit Multiplex is a way to save the port...

Make 5 1 Channel Audio Amplifier

5.1 channel amplifier consists of 6 amplifiers 1 channel mono, which has certain specifications on each canals. Has 6 channel surround sound amplifier that consists of Front Left ,Center,Front Right ,Rear Left (Left Surround),Rear Right (Right Surround) , and LFE (Subwoofer).For clarity I give a simple illustration of the layout and the circuit for these speakers.5.1...

Monday, November 17, 2014

Make A Virtual Phone Battery

Virtual cell phone battery is a replacement cell phone batteries for those of you who use the phone as a modem. Including myself, who use the phone as a modem HAIER d1200p internet.  Why must use this virtual battery. For those who surf hobby "full time" with a phone modem, would know the problem, the battery gets hot and fast reply wasteful even worn out.This tool is...

Rain Detector Using 555

Rain Detector Using 555 is a simple alarm that can be used to find out it was raining. In principle, Rain Detector Using 555 is an astable multivibrator which is prepared by IC555 with installed a sensor that can detect water. Astable multivibrator with the 555 is set in the audio frequency with a frequency of 1 KHz. The series of Using Rain Detector 555 can be disupplay with...

Class A MOSFET Amplifier 2SK1058

This is simple class A MOSFET amplifier 2SK1058 used in the circuit. It is easy to do, you should use a 24V supply volt at high current. using amplifier with Class A tube preamp based on 12AU7. It produces the purest sound. I have no idea of ​​the levels of distortion, but has a very fine and delicate texture quality. With only one watt speaker output should be used efficiently....

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Type of UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply

UPS design of the model is divided into several types that produce different performance characteristics:A. Standby2. Line Interactive3. Double Conversion On-Line4. Delta Conversion On-LineStandby UPS typesThis type is commonly used by home users for the Presidency with their PC. UPS to be able to do this type of filtration against power failures and flow management, in addition...

Saturday, November 15, 2014


This circuits uses very few component and gives melody sound. It uses 3 terminal IC UM66 and can be build small enough to be placed inside a greeting card and operated off a single 3V flat button cell.There is not much to the circuit. The UM66 is connected to its supply and its output fed to a transistor for amplification. Any common speaker can be used or a “flat” piezoelectric...

Friday, November 14, 2014


Communication in F.M. band is easy, less expensive and has many more advantage. As we have already published Simple F.M. transmitter circuit in previous article. Now, here is a circuit diagram with description of Powerful F.M. receiver using single IC used to receive frequency range of 88 MHz to 108 MHz in F.M. band. FM employs frequency modulation scheme. In FM frequency...

Booster Low Power Voltage Doubler Diagram Circuit

All miniature electronic devices operate off batteries. Some of them need higher than the standard battery voltages to operate efficiently. If the battery of that specific voltage is unavailable, we are forced to connect additional cells in series to step up the DC voltage. Thus, the true meaning of miniaturisation is lost. A simple way to overcome this problem is to employ...

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Alternating on off switch electronic project circuit with explanation

A very simple alternating on off switch electronic circuit project can be designed using an 4096 CMOS hex inverter and some common electronic parts.IC1is a regular Hex-inverter type and is constructed with MOS P-channel and N-channel enhancement mode devices in a single monolithic structure.First push from this alternating on off switch activates the relay and another push...

1000 watt power inverter circuit diagram

This 1000 watt power inverter circuit diagram based on MOSFET RF50N06.If you want more power then  add additional  MOSFET paralleled at RF50N06.This MOSFETS are  60 Volts and 50 Amps as rated.  It is necessary to connect  a  FUSE with the power line and always a LOAD have to connected while power is being  applied . The output power of this...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Booster for Input Impedance Circuit and explanation

The input impedance of a.c.-coupled op amp circuits depends almost entirely on the resistance that sets the d.c. operating point. If CMOS op amps are used, the input is high, in current op amps up to 10 MΩ. If a higher value is needed, a bootstrap may be used, which enables the input impedance to be boosted artificially to a very high value. In the diagram, resistors R1 plus...

Oxygen Sensor Simulator

This oxygen Sensor simulator is built from a 555 and few other common parts. Just when I thought Id seen all the uses for the 555. The oxygen sensor on a cars exhaust is used to determine how efficiently the fuel mixture is to an engine.The oxygen sensor simulator as built on a protoboard. Note the cigarette lighter plug used for power source. The adjustment knob is at the...

A serial to parallel converter using the AT89C2051

The example program included with the PG2051 evaluation kit is a basic serial to parallel converter written in 8051 assembler. This is probably a good example of the uses to which an AT89C2051 can be put - it would be hard to get a serial to parallel converter much simpler than the single 20 pin IC in this circuit. The program is meant to serve as a useful example of 8051...

FM 9V transmitter circuit with expllanation

This circuit diagram transmitter is a very simple and useful circuit that require few external components and operates in FM band ( above 100 MHz ) . This circuit diagram transmitter needs to be powered from a 9 volts battery or from another 9 volts regulated power supply . The tuned coil L1, has two output tappings for the antenna connection, marked "A" and "B". These are...

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Photovoltaic Power System and Wiring Module Interconnection

Photovoltaic (PV) is the field of technology and research related to the application of solar cells for energy by converting sunlight directly into electricity. The following Photovoltaic Power System manual is a suggested practices manual examines the requirements of the 2005 National Electrical Code (NEC) as they apply to photovoltaic (PV) power systems. In this manual you...

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Ampere or Current Booster

Small and very useful circuit, Can be built on a veroboardVolt regulators such as the LM708, and LM317 series (and others) sometimes need to provide a little bit more current then they actually can handle. If that is the case, this little circuit can help out. A power transistor such as the 2N3772 or similar can be used.The power transistor is used to boost the extra needed...

Saturday, November 8, 2014

LM 3915 Sound Level Meter Circuit

This is a one chip sound level meter that can be use for displaying sound level of an amplifier or simply the sound level from a microphone.The heart of the circuit is IC LM 3915 Audio level IC.Even though it is a stand alone IC , a peak detector based on Transistor BC 558 and diode 1N4001 is also included for better performance.Supply voltage can be from 3V to 20V.The input...

Simple Steam Whistle Circuit Diagram

This circuit consists of six square wave oscillators. Square waves are made up of a large number of harmonics. If six square waves with different frequencies are added together, the result will be a signal with a very large number of frequencies. When you listen to the result you’ll find that it is very similar to a steam whistle. The circuit should be useful in modelling...

Simple Color Organ Circuit

Three Lamp-Channels Output Built-in Electret Microphone A simple, satisfactory Color Organ can be built with a handful of cheap components. This design features: no mains supply transformer, built-in microphone and three widely adjustable frequency bands obtained by means of very simple, passive filters for Bass, Middle and Treble.Circuit diagram : Simple Color Organ Circuit...

Friday, November 7, 2014

Bass Booster Circuit

Increase the bass output of your present instrument at modest cost!Bass Boost is todays sound... whether its the driving, gut-vibration pulsation of disco, or the solid bass line of soft, hard, or laid-back rock. One way to get the modern bass-boost sound without running out and buying an all-new expensive piece of equipment is to use a Bass Booster between your guitar, electronic...

Little Door Guard

If some intruder tries to open the door of your house, this circuit sounds an alarm to alert you against the attempted intrusion. The circuit (Fig. 1) uses readily available, low-cost components. For compactness, an alkaline 12V battery is used for powering the unit. Input DC supply is further regulated to a steady DC voltage of 5V by 3-pin regulator IC 7805 (IC2). Fig. 1:...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Morning Alarm Circuit Diagram based LDR

This LDR based alarm can be used as get up alarm. The Alarm turns on in the morning automatically and turns off only when manually switched off ,so you will have to get up. It is a simple LDR based light sensor circuit.LDR or Light Dependent Resistor is a kind of variable resistor and its resistance depends on the intensity of light falling on it. In complete dark, its resistance...

9V Automatic Battery NiCd Charger

This automatic NiCd charger for 9V NiCd batteries is using 555 timer properties and is very easy to build. Why is an automatic 9 volts NiCd battery charger? Because you can leave the battery for charging as much as you like: it will be always completely charged and ready for use when is needed. It wont be overcharged and it will not discharge. 9V Automatic Battery NiCd Charger...

Video Tracer Circuit Diagram

This circuit was designed as an aid to installers and maintainers of video systems. It is basically a video sync separator (IC1) followed by a LED and buzzer driver (IC2, Q1 & Q2). In use, the device is connected to a video cable and if there is video present, the LED will flash at about 10Hz. If there is no video, the LED flashes briefly every couple of seconds. A buzzer...

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Laser Level Detector

Rotating laser levels, which are very handy  for setting objects in a room or garden at the  same height, are available at prices of a few  dozen pounds. At relatively large distances  and for outdoor use, the light from the rotating laser beam is often not easy to see, and  the laser beam detector described here can  be useful in such situations....

Spy Camera Solar Power Box

Battery life has always been a critical consideration for most of the electronic gadgets and equipment. When we talk about spy  cameras,  which  normally  function  round-the-clock, they often run out of power within a few days.  Many spy cameras (CCTV cameras) are powered by 9V PP3 type batteries that offer five times more energy  than the...

500W Low Cost 12V to 220V Inverter

Using this circuit you can convert the 12V dc in to the 220V Ac. In this circuit 4047 is use to generate the square wave of 50hz and amplify the current and then amplify the voltage by using the step transformer. How to calculate transformer rating The basic formula is P=VI and between input output of the transformer we have Power input = Power output For example if we want...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Simple Smoggy

Even if your good old (Sony) Walkman  sees little use nowadays it would be a  shame to get rid of it altogether. The more  so when just removing the tape head  would allow the built-in audio amplifier  to become an outstanding electrosmog  detector for a variety of purposes. Looking at the schematic, readers with RF  experience will have...

10 Watt Car Audio Amplifier

10 Watt Car Audio AmplifierTDA2003 is audio amplifier integrated circuit chip in 10 Watt class. All you need is just adding few passive components and your amplifier will be ready. You can even amplify ultrasonic range if you wish to abuse its usage, just to convince you that this chip is more than enough to handle any range of audio signal. Although many manufacturer produce...

Voltage Controlled Oscillator

In most cases, the frequency of an oscillator is determined by the time constant RC. However, in cases or applications such as FM, tone generators, and frequency-shift keying (FSK), the frequency is to be controlled by means of an input voltage, called the control voltage. This can be achieved in a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). A VCO is a circuit that provides an oscillating...

Monday, November 3, 2014

Low Cost Playback Amplifier For Cassette Deck

For some time now, there have been a number of tape cassette decks available at low prices from mail order businesses and electronics retailers. Such decks do not contain any electronics, of course. It is not easy to build a recording amplifier and the fairly complex magnetic biasing circuits, but a playback amplifier is not too difficult as the present one shows. The...

Car Stereo Booster with LM2896

Car Stereo Booster with LM2896This car stereo booster uses an LM2896 IC which has two integrated amplifiers. It can be powered with voltages up to 15 volts. The power output is 2.5 watts per channel with an 8 Ω load and supply voltage of 12 volts. Using the bridge tehnique in the circuit gives a power output of 9 watts. The car audio booster can be powered up from 3 up to...