Automobile turn signal circuitThis is a schema which can use as a sequential signal light in the vehicle owners can use this to modify their vehicles.Notes.# This schema need 12v power so you can provide it from your vehicle.…Read More
Make a Warning Light and Marker Light Wiring diagram SchematicMake a Warning-light-and-marker-light. This is a led flasher light, A flashing light of high brightness and short duty cycle is often desired to provide maximum visibility and battery life. This necessitates using an output t…Read More
Chip Theremin Wiring diagram SchematicThis schematic diagram show a single chip Theremin schema. Theremin is an electronic music instrument which sense hand movement to control the tones/frequency. This Theremin schema uses two separate Colpitts LC oscillators …Read More
Build a Burglar Alarm With Timed Shutoff Wiring diagram SchematicThis is a very important schema for security. This is a simple Burglar Alarm With Timed Shutoff Circuit Diagram. When SI (sensor) is closed, power is applied to U2, a dual timer. After a time determined by C2, CI is energized…Read More
Cheap Bicycle Alarm Schematics CircuitThe author wanted a very cheap and simple alarm for some of his possessions, such as his electrically assisted bicycle. This alarm is based on a cheap window alarm, which has a time-switch added to it with a 1-minute time-out…Read More
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