The SSM2380 is a fully integrated, high efficiency, stereo Class-D audio amplifier designed for mobile phone applications , mp3 players and other audio applications that require low output power . This class D audio amplifier circuit requires few external components and operates from a single 2.5 V to 5.5 V supply.SSM2380 audio amplifier circuit is capable of delivering...
Friday, October 31, 2014
Pulse Generator And Signal Tracer Circuit Diagram
Dual-purpose test-instrument, Very simple circuitry, 1.5V Battery-operated. This simple circuit generates narrow pulses at about 700-800Hz frequency. The pulses, containing harmonics up to the MHz region, can be injected into audio or radio-frequency stages of amplifiers, receivers and the like for testing purposes. A high-pitched tone can be heard from the speaker of the...
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Mosfet Amplifier 20Watt Output Power
This audio amplifier showed in this circuit diagram , is a very simple and efficiency audio amplifier circuit based on the TDA1308 integrated class-AB stereo headphone . The device is fabricated in a 1 mm Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) process and has been primarily developed for portable digital audio applications.You can use this circuit diagram with TDA1308...
3 Volt Car Adapter
The The Schematic of 3 volt Car Adapter was posted by taking part in type Car. Please examine suspiciously and realize on schematic design pictures of The Schematic of 3 volt Car Adapter to find specify in order.3 volt Car Adapter SchematicsThis 3 volts Car Device journey is based on a provide LT1074CT switching control IC. The schematic shows the LT1074CT misused equally...
Fastest Finger First Indicator Circuit Diagram
Quiz-type game shows are increasingly becoming popular on tale vision these days. In such games, fastest finger first indicators (FFFIs) are used to test the player’s reaction time. The player’s designated number is dis played with an audio alarm when the player presses his entry button. The circuit presented here determines as to which of the four contestants first pressed...
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Circuit High Voltage Generator with HEX FET

The schematic diagram below show a circuit of high voltage generator. This circuit uses a 4049 hex inverter as an oscillator, and you can use ignition transformer from automotive engine. A fly-back transformer is possibly usable too. The 4049 will drive the IRF731 HEX FET. The Q1 must be heatsinked. Here is the schematic diagram of the circui...
20 Watt Power Amplifier Circuit

This IC hew was designed specifically used for bring into play trendy power boosting applications in automobiles. It is self caring aligned with petite circuits and thermal problems. In the conduit configuration given away it hope against hope provide 20 watts of power into a 2 ohm spokeswoman operating next to 14.4 volt...
Car Wiper Control Using 555 PCB
Circuit In rainy seasons, it is very annoying that wiper of your car wiping instantly all the time. Have you ever think of speed control of the wiper?.There are wiper control modules available on the market but most of them are costly. So here is an automatic wiper control circuit which enables you to control your wiper sweep rates from 1 second to 10 second. The heart...
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Condenser Mic Blue Microphones Spark
This is Condenser micnewest specialist mic, create, is a cardioid, solid-state condenser microphone designed to help you get professional quality recordings dressed in one creative background. spark skin a custom-designed condenser capsule with hall-a discrete electronics resultant in superbly detailed and uncolored output, making it the ideal microphone used for recording...
Black Box Lightshow Circuit
Black Box Lightshow Circuit Heres the circuit for the Black Box Lightshow. Im pretty sure its right. And now, an explanation: The LED array is shown here as individual diodes, though I used six 5x7 LED arrays, each one is 2" tall.They are arranged as 14 rows and 15 columns. The left channel is 8 columns and the right channel is 7 columns. The extra column from the left channel...
LED Circuit with Timer 555
This circuit LED reproduces the first LED sequence at this time used by FISA on behalf of Formula single racing. It may perhaps be alive used with slot car sets (such for example HO shin up AFX/Life Like/Tyco sets) or else means of communication controlled cars. IC1, a 555 timer IC, is used as a watch pulse generator. Its output is fed via NAND gates IC2a and IC2c to IC3,...
Monday, October 27, 2014
9 Volt Audio Power Amplifier
This is an audio amplifier to facilitate can be there used with a miniature 9 volt Battery Operated,Current draw on since insufficiently as 5 milliamps.And amplification up to 500 mW. Which is sufficient to spread out the sound from a sound almost or else the recording stroll guy vetoed to the minor speakers evidently.9 Volt Audio Power AmplifierOnce entering the power...
4 Channels Home Audio Power Amplifier
This is a minimal circuit. right management a single IC, but the amplifier has 4 channels, 11 channels apiece watt, which is Philips IC TDA1554 run to apposite in support of listening by the side of land of your birth otherwise dressed in one vehicle. Just since the power supply 12-15 volt otherwise yearn for transpire used to open out any home acting sound organization. The...
MAX98304 Class D amplifier Diagram Circuit
This electronic circuit project is a very simple class D amplifier that will provide a maximum output power up to 3.2W . This Class D amplifier is based on MAX98304 amplifier IC and provides Class AB audio performance with Class D efficiency.This device offers five selectable gain settings (0dB, 3dB, 6dB, 9dB, and 12dB) set by a single gain-select input (GAIN).Active emissions-limiting,...
Sunday, October 26, 2014
LM139 Measure delay generator

Measure delay generator (in addition identified in the same way as sequence generator), is a device which long for provide output signals on prescribed time intervals from a time reference to and will unconsciously reset while the input hint returns to ground. under schematic illustrates the design of a measure Delay Generator Circuit Diagram using LM139. The LM139 skin tone...
PIC 12F629 – 12F675 Astable Timer
This software functions as a long period astable mutivibrator. The mark and space period can be set from 1 second up to a maximum 65535 seconds (18h12m15s). Using the internal 4Mhz RC oscillator delays with an accuracy of 99% or better can be achieved The code also implements an edge triggered reset and an active low hold function. The reset edge can be configured for rising...
Saturday, October 25, 2014
PIC16F873 Room temperature controller
On this page, I will introduce the room temperature controller with PIC. This equipment uses two temperature sensors, drives external equipment, and keeps the temperature of the room at preset temperature. The purpose of this equipment is for preventing room temperature going up with the heat of the computers. Electric cost will become high if an air-conditioner is always...
Friday, October 24, 2014
RS232 to RS485 Circuit

The new archetypal of RS485 advocate overcomes the RTS controlled botheration accomplished by our chargeless design. However, to do that requires a microprocessor, so there is a greater complication to the design. We advertise this unit, although currently we are attached our sales to barter who can pay by coffer alteration – which in absoluteness is bounded Australian companies. This...
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Surround Sound pro the insignificant Ones
If you maintain a line with the purpose of loves movies and melody the top gift you can undertake physically is a instant household drama for the little ones. really, how many period has the Sunday game interfered with otherwise been interrupted to the little individuals needs to watch Disneys most up-to-date and supreme flick? I know these meltdowns occur far too frequently hip my household. This is why a minute home acting is an exceptional clue....
Hi Fi Audio Amplifier using TDA1514
The TDA1514 Hi-Fi Audio Amplifier was available on voguish grouping Amplifier. Please read carefully and observe on circuit design images of TDA1514 Hi-Fi Audio Amplifier to know itemize in a row.Hi-Fi Audio Amplifier using TDA1514The TDA1514 integrated circuit is a ciao-fi power amplifier in lieu of treatment for instance a corporation obturate in broadcasting, box and added...
IR Infra Red Sensor with 7 Segment Display
Infrared light has a difference with ordinary light in general. We can see clearly when a light or light on an object. As with the infrared light we can not see the manifestation of these rays. Frankly I can not answer when asked why the infrared rays are not visible in the eyes of us. So at night do not hope you can make light by using infrared light. One thing that is often...
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Timer with about 10 minutes

Applications of 555 timer IC is very diverse, one series of 10 Minute Timer with IC 555. 10 Minute Timer This circuit uses IC NE555 is set as a monostable multivibrator. The timing of the timer circuit 10 minutes with the IC 555 is governed by the configuration of C2, R4 and R5. The greater the value of C2 at 10-minute timer circuit with IC 555 timer is active then the time...
Saturday, October 18, 2014
IC 555 12VDC to 220VAC Inverteuit and overview

This is a simple 12VDC to 220AC inverter circuit that can be used produces an AC output at line frequency and 220AC or different voltage by selecting transformer T1. The 555 IC is configured as a low-frequency oscillator, tunable over the frequency range of 50 to 60 Hz by Frequency potentiometer R4.12VDC to 220VAC Inverter Circuit The 555 feeds its output (amplified by Q1...
Friday, October 17, 2014
0 - 300V Adjustable Power Supply

0 - 300V Adjustable Power SupplyIntroductionTo prevent my high voltage experiments to go up in smoke completely, I designeda simple circuit which can provide an adjustable voltage source of 0 to 330 Volt..The supply is short-ciruit proof: the current is limited to about 100mA.Circuit descriptionTR1 is a 1:1 mains transformer; it is included for safety.The mains voltage from...
Hard Disk Selector

In the last few years, the available range of operating systems for PCs has increased dramatically. Various free (!) operating systems have been added to the list, such as BeOS, OpenBSD and Linux. These systems are also available in different colours and flavours (versions and distributions). Windows is also no longer simply Windows, because there are now several different...
Satellite Dish and Antenna location on one cable
With a very long and difficult to pronounce name, Diplexer Satellite Combiner & Splitter is a marvel of electronics, it is a divider and mix of RF combining satellite antenna + DC + local terrestrial antenna digital (VHF UHF HDTV CATV TV ) on a single cable without interference or other problems. The Diplexer Combiner, as it is called, has two entrances, one to the antenna...
Simple Cmos Motorcycle Alarm Circuit Diagram
This Simple Cmos Motorcycle Alarm Circuit Diagram features an intermittent siren output and automatic reset. It can be operated manually using a key-switch or a hidden switch; but it can also be wired to set itself automatically when you turn-off the ignition. By adding external relays you can immobilize the bike - flash the lights etc.Cmos Motorcycle Alarm Schematic DiagramNotesAny...
Thursday, October 16, 2014
100W Guitar Power Amplifier Circuit Diagram
The power amp board has remained unchanged since it was first published in 2002. It definitely is not broken, so there is no reason to fix it. The picture below shows a fully assembled board (obtainable as shown as M27). Using TIP35/36C transistors, the output stage is deliberately huge overkill. This ensures reliability under the most arduous stage conditions. No amplifier...
Simple Frequency to Vvoltage Converter Circuit Diagram
This is Simple Frequency to Vvoltage Converter Circuit Diagram. In these applications, a pulse input at % is differentiated by a C-R network and the negative-going edge at pin 6 causes the input comparator to trigger the timer circuit. Just as with a V-to-F converter, the average current flowing out of pin 1 is IaverAGE = i (1.1 RjC^ f. In this simple circuit, this current...
5V 2A Dc Converter Using LT3980
Using LT3980 manufactured by Linear Technology can be designed a very simple 5 volts dc converter circuit.5V 2A Dc Converter Circuit DiagramThe LT3980 has an adjustable frequency from 100kHz to 2.4MHz and accepts input voltages up to 58V . The transient voltage of the LT3980 is around 80 volts . The maximum output current which can be delivered by the LT3980 monolithic buck...
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Temperature Sensor Circuit Diagram
The LM35 temperature sensor provides an output of 10 mV/C for every degree Celsius over 0C. At 20C the output voltage is 20 10 = 200 mV. The circuit consumes 00. The load resistance should not be less than 5 kQ. A 4- to 20-V supply can be used.Temperature Sensor Circuit Diagr...
Atv Jr Transmitter 440Mhz Circuit Diagram
This low-power video transmitter is useful for R/C applications, surveillance, or amateur radio applications. Seven transistors are used in a crystal oscillator-multiplier RF power amplifier chain, and a high-level video modulator. A 9- to 14-Vdc supply is required. Output is 0.4 to 1.2 W, depending on supply voltage. Atv Jr Transmitter 440Mhz Circuit Diagr...
Monday, October 13, 2014
Microcontroller Robotic Car Project by 8951
8951 Microcontroller Robotic car Project Blog diagram Robotic Car is a miniature ancestor car powered by batteries whose assorted movements can be ascendancy either manually or automatically, or the aggregate of both. Here the command is accustomed through keyboard; it would accept been bigger if we acclimated IR alien ascendancy or article of that affectionate rather than...
Monday, October 6, 2014
Circuit diagram License LGPL
Today younger brother generation that study same college comes to see at a house and beg to seek design good circuit and free. I advises a program TindyCAD because it drawing circuit diagrams commonly known as schematic drawings. It supports model the equipment is a lot of and still apply to PCB layout programs change the system netlist formats. Besides still be usable cooperate...
Sunday, October 5, 2014
QRO 600 VOLTS POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITAmateur Radio Transmitters application valves such as 807 or1625 works able-bodied with a bowl voltage amid 600V to 700 Volts.The ambit declared actuality is a abounding beachcomber voltage doubler. The achievement voltage is alert the ascribe voltage. For 230V AC ascribe the achievement will be about 600 Volts.Resister R1 is acclimated to...
Party Like Music Produced from Acid Machine overview and explanation
Overview This machine works by making a LED blink in the frequency of the sound and a set speed rotates the image. Explanation On top of the machine is the circle that contains lines where the notes being played are displayed while rotating. The lines in the middle circle will be standing still when C is played which will go outward and all notes will be displayed on a keyboard...
Saturday, October 4, 2014
AM Receiver based on TDA1572 IC
The circuit is a high performance AM receiver based on the Philips TDA1572 IC. The TDA1572 is an integrated AM receiver circuit that has all the essential circuits such as RF amplifier, mixer, IF amplifier, AGC circuit, the pilot signal strength indicator, audio pre amplifier, etc. controlled oscillator incorporated into it. The internal oscillator frequency can be up to 50...
Friday, October 3, 2014
Phone Cellular Calling Detector
Phone Cellular Calling DetectorThis circuit was advised to ascertain back a alarm is admission in a cellular buzz (even back the calling accent of the accessory is switched-off) by agency of a aflame LED.The accessory charge be placed a few centimeters from the cellular phone, so its sensor braid L1 can ascertain the acreage emitted by the buzz receiver during an admission...
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Simple Telephone Voice Amplifier Circuit

This electronic device saves the trouble of holding the telephone handset while talking. ` It is also very useful when a group of people want to listen to the telephone conversation. Under these conditions, all one has to do is to switch on the telephone amplifier and listen to the amplified voice of the caller from the speaker. The major and the foremost advantage of the...
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Active Crossover Circuit

This alive Cantankerous over is adequately beeline forward. It consists of a absorber and two 3rd order, 18 dB per octave filters. One low canyon and the added high. The cantankerous overabundance is set at 2Khz and is advised for AEK’s 400watt per access PA/Keyboard Amp systems. Obviously alone one access is apparent here.The band akin audio arresting...